• 0208 294 7909
  • recoverycollegereception@bridgesupport.org

The Big Walk

The Big Walk

Building on the success of the Recovery College’s ‘Walking for Wellbeing’ program we are encouraging all students, Bridge staff and clients to join us in the build up to this summer’s Big Walk.

Each Tuesday starting on the 1st of August we will walk progressively further along the Thames path. Each of these walks brings us to a bus stop or station for the return to Woolwich. Five weeks later, on the 29th of August we will walk to the Cutty Sark in Greenwich. It’s a great opportunity to gradually build up the distance you can walk and establish just how active you can be in the safe company of friends and colleagues.

Staff and peer trainers from the recovery college have completed walk leader training and will be on hand to support the safety and comfort of everyone who participates.

We’ve put together a registration pack and if you’d like to join us contact the Recovery College and we’ll send one out to you. There is even an opportunity for you to get some sponsorship if you wish; details are in the registration pack.

Join us at The Recovery College at 12:30 on Tuesday 1st August for the first practice walk and get the new fitter you off to a flying start.

Sign up to fundraise for our event at www.everyclick.com/recoverycollegethebigwalk






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